Loker Khusus Batam di PT Infineon! D4 dan S1 Merapat, Lowongan Kerja Buka hingga 8 Mei 2023

- 22 Maret 2023, 07:30 WIB
Loker khusus Batam di PT Infineon, lowongan kerja bagi lulusan minimal D4 dan S1 hingga tanggal 8 Mei 2023.
Loker khusus Batam di PT Infineon, lowongan kerja bagi lulusan minimal D4 dan S1 hingga tanggal 8 Mei 2023. /tangkap layar/infineon/

◆ Opportunity to grow your career in semiconductor industry.

◆ Upon completion of the program, obtain Competency Certificate.

Persyaratan lowongan kerja atau loker khusus Batam di PT Infineon:

Baca Juga: PT Infineon Batam Buka Lowongan Kerja Permanen hingga 1 Juni 2023, Cek Syaratnya!

◆ Bachelor Degree holder (S1/D4) in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics), Business Administration, Law, Psychology, Management, and Occupational Health and Safety (K3).

◆ Was active in extra curricular activities e.g. BEM or student organization.

◆ GPA minimum 3,00 (in scale 4,00).

◆ Maximum 26 years old.

◆ Good English proficiency and communication skills.

◆ Preferably candidate who domicile in Kepulauan Riau Province.


Editor: Zaki Setiawan


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